A Korean Christmas Movie – “The Tower”
Every Christmas I watch certain movies because it puts me in the season’s spirit. I usually watch the first “Harry Potter” and “A Christmas Carol,” just to name a couple. But I wanted to add some Korean movies to the mix this year.
So this year, I watched “The Tower.” Yes it came out back in 2012 but I’m only just finding it now. It stars Sol Kyung Gu, Kim Sang Kyung, and Son Yejin.
There may be spoilers in this post. So if you really want to be left in the dark, just know it’s a good movie and don’t read on.
“The Tower” is about a widowed father (Kim Sang Kyung) finding love and rescuing his daughter. But he’s not alone. He’s aided by a particularly heroic fireman (Sol Kyung Gu).
The tower that the father works in is unsafe due to faulty architectural design and a greedy chairman. The perfect storm of bad things happen resulting in a catastrophic fire.
It begins rather lightheartedly with goofball antics of a hapless chef. You just can’t help but laugh!
But it becomes serious really quick. The rest of the movie is spent with the main characters navigating through a deadly obstacle course.
Like so many K-dramas, you’ll find yourself laughing and crying on the turn of a dime! And you can’t help but hope the good and nice people make it out alright and that the mean and greedy people get their comeuppance.
“The Tower” is a South Korean Christmas movie like “Diehard” is an American Christmas movie.
The only thing that really has to do with Christmas in this movie is that it happens on Christmas Eve. But I still think of it as a “Christmas” movie.
There’s a ton of action and some goofy/corny jokes but the heart of the movie is about knowing what you care about the most, or rather who.
You’ll definitely go away from this movie more affectionate for the people you care about…and scared of tall buildings!
Have you seen “The Tower”? What did you think? Share in the comments!