Numbers 1-10 in Korean
If you’ve read any of the other posts on LittleSeoulsters, then you know that I’m always looking for ways to introduce Korean culture and language to my kid…and to learn it for myself!
Well, one of the easiest ways is to teach whatever you would normally teach a child at a young age, such as numbers and letters. I think learning numbers in another language is probably the best first step because numbers aren’t unique to every language; whereas, alphabets definitely, and obviously, are unique.
Which is why I started teaching my toddler numbers in Korean. (After teaching him “Aumma” is for “Mommy,” of course! 😉)
So I created this printable chart to hang in his room. (Click on the image for a downloadable pdf!)
And I created a blank one so that he can color it himself. (This is also a downloadable pdf!)
Of course he doesn’t stay in the lines. That would be asking too much! But the point is to have some fun a little with it while learning numbers.
I’ve done a lot of research on when and whether children should learn a second language. The overwhelming response was that the earlier the better. I still remember the Korean and Spanish I learned in primary school, as opposed to the stuff I learned later in high school!
But what I want to avoid is being overly structured so that he doesn’t enjoy learning Korean and pushes back. I’ve had many friends who tried to teach their kids everything from French to guitar. But once the kid feels like it’s something that is being forced on them as opposed to them choosing to do it, they lose interest.
So I make coloring pages, craft projects, and do story time with him to make things more fun. We can worry about conjugating verbs later! In fact, that may come organically if learns enough foundational Korean.
I’m basically just mimicking what he learns in English, in Korean.
Do you have a method of teaching Korean or another language to your kid(s)? Share in the comments!