Learning Korean Consonants
Last week I posted a free printable chart of numbers 1-10 in Korean. And yesterday I posted a free printable chart of Korean vowels.
Today it’s consonants!
I made these charts to slowly phase in Hangeul, along with English, to my toddler. Even though I don’t really expect him to pick it up (he can barely draw a circle, nevermind a letter in any language!) I want his eyes to recognize the letter shapes and his ears to become attuned to the different sounds of the two languages.
Since I made these for my own use, I figured I would share!
Just as with the numbers in Korean and Korean vowels, I created this printable chart to hang in his room. (Click on the image for a downloadable pdf!)
And I created a blank one so that he can color it himself. (This is also a downloadable pdf!)
For the consonants chart, the upper left corner is the phonetic spelling of the letter, just like it was for the vowels. But the lower right corner is the name of the letter.
Also, just as with the vowels, there are many more consonants. However, they’re some variation of these foundational consonants.
Stay tuned for other ways I’m building a foundation for learning Korean (and English!) that are even more fun! I’m basically tricking my toddler into learning! 😆
Do you have a method of teaching Korean or another language to your kid(s)? Are there any Korean learning charts like these that you’d like but can’t find? Share in the comments!