Korean Children’s Song – “Santoki” (“Mountain Bunny”)
“Santoki” is one of the most popular Korean children’s songs. I was born and raised in the States and even I know it well.
I find it strangely culturally significant because of what the lyrics reference. It’s about a mountain bunny that hops over a mountain pass to collect chestnuts to bring home. However, Korea is a mountainous country, and at least hilly in parts. So when I think of this song, I can’t help but think of the land of my ancestral heritage.
Not to mention, the hiking culture in South Korea is still going strong!
It’s one of the first songs I ever sang to my own child.
That’s more so because I didn’t really know any lullabies or nursery songs. But even still, I’d still be singing this song to him.
It’s just about a mountain bunny hopping along. So it’s completely harmless, especially compared to “Rock a Bye Baby” what with winds blowing, boughs breaking, and cradles falling!
Here’s my (rough) translation of the lyrics:
(First Verse)
Mountain bunny, the bunny
Where are you going?
Hopping, hopping as you run
Where are you going?
(Second Verse)
The mountain pass, by the mountain pass
By myself, I will go over it
Plump, plump chestnuts
I’ll gather and bring them.
And it’s easy to remember and play on the piano…and likely on any other instrument!
There are two verses but the notes just repeat for the second verse.
Did you know that there’s even a dance that goes along with this song, as all great songs should? Check it out here. The video shows adults demonstrating the dance. However, getting little kids to do the dance is too cute! I didn’t grow up knowing the dance because I don’t think my mom knew it. But you better believe that I’m going to teach my kid to do it!…Just have to make sure to video it! 😉
Did you grow up with this song too? Do you/did you sing it to your kids? Share in the comments!