My Kid Loves K-Pop!
And I’m okay with that. Well…with a lot of K-pop, not ALL K-pop. [Read more…]
Exploring Korean-American Heritage & Interculturalism
It’s common to hear “fighting” or rather “hwaiting” (because there’s no “f” sound in the Korean language) in Korean television shows and movies. And it’s usually said whilst pumping a fist, or both fists, in the air.
Are you looking for the perfect something for the K-pop fan in your life but have no idea what to get them? Look no further! Here’s your gift guide for K-pop fans! It covers everything from hats to calendars. You’re sure to find something! [Read more…]
Are you about to go to Seoul? Did you know that lookism is a thing there?
For those who don’t know, “lookism” is the act of treating someone differently based on the way they look. It’s typically people being mean to unattractive people.
Yes, being mean sounds, well…mean, but the real problem is, who determines who is unattractive? [Read more…]